Previous titles: Mathematics and physics (1958 – 1976 г.), Mathematics education (1977 – 1988 г.) и Education in mathematics and informatics (1989 – 1994 ).

ISSN: 1310–2230 (Print), 1314–8532 (Online)

Editor-in-Chief: проф. д-р Красимир Манев, Департамент Информатика на НБУ
Editor: Natalia Nesheva

The Mathematics and Informatics journal The Mathematics and Informatics journal is a recipient of the Order of St. St. Cyril and Methodius". The aim of the editorial board is to bring knowledge, learning and technology together in a harmonious unity in the hope of illustrating the idea that one of the most important applications of science is education. In addition to materials reflecting good traditions in the teaching of mathematics and informatics in our country, the journal deals with problems related to innovative educational strategies.

Its pages feature developments within the framework of prestigious European projects, the authors of which are international experts, Bulgarian scientists, teachers and even students taking their first steps in science. Ideas and good practices for integrating mathematics, informatics and information technology are discussed in order to promote a research approach in the learning process.

Basic headings: We and the world; Mathematical Education Worldwide; International Projects; Mathematics & Informatics; Curricula. Textbooks; Teaching Matter; Out-of-class Work; Scientific-popular Reading; Research. Results; Discussions; Olympiads. Competitions; Entrance Exams in Mathematics and Informatics; If You Work with Young Students; On the History of Mathematics; Bulgarian Scientists. Bulgarian Teachers; For University Students.

Publication frequency: 6 issues per year.
0.2 (2023)                                Q4 (2023)
Impact factor                         Rank by JIF

Mathematics and Informatics articles are referenced and indexed in:

– Web of Science

– European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS)

– Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)

– EBSCOhost Research Databases

– Google Scholar, Primo (Ex Libris), Summon (ProQuest)

Mathematics and Informatics articles are referenced and indexed in:

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