Dr. Evgenia Goranova, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Valentina Voinohovska, Assoc. Prof.
"Angel Kanchev", University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
Absract. The article presents an approach applied in the online training of pre-service teachers to acquire digital competence. The content of the concept of ‘digital competence’ in its sustainable and variable component is clarified. The understanding of ‘augmented reality’ to e-learning objects is presented. Two forms of ‘augmented reality’ have been proposed to visualize video information to a
clarified concept. The first one is presented via a QR code for quick access and applicable for mobile learning. The other is provided by icons and is applicable to e-learning with a computer. It is believed that ‘augmented reality’ can differentiate students’ online learning according to the field-dependent and field-independent cognitive style and their preferences on the use of different digital learning devices.
Keywords: digital competence of teachers; online learning; augmented reality