Dr. Lyudmila Vekova, Assoc. Prof.
Plovdiv University ‘’Paisii Hilendarski’
Absract. Social work education is faced with the serious challenges of adequately reflecting the main trends of practical activity oriented towards individual target groups. In this context, the essential characteristics and specific features of social work with unemployed persons as a mandatory element and basic form for the realization of the functions of social protection in case of unemployment, should be adequately reflected in the content of the training of future specialists. The article examines the conceptual view of social work with unemployed persons as a certain sequence of social activities and a variety of social interventions aimed at individuals, families or certain groups with the aim of material support and employment creation. Focusing on the content characteristics of social work with this target group as a sequence of targeted social activities differentiated by various criteria in the individual components of the unemployment protection system, the
research focuses on systematizing basic requirements for the content of training in
the professional direction “Social Activities”.
Keywords: social work with unemployed persons; social activities; social work education