The Professorenroman – a New Phenomenon in Bulgarian Literature
Prof. Milena Kirova, DSc.
Sofia UniversityМ
Absract. The article presents a phenomenon that until now has not been the subject of an independent and systematic study in Bulgarian literary studies...
Gender, Grammatical Gender, Language
Dr. Iveta Tasheva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Hospital SofiamedТ
Absract. The article deals with the question of whether or not there is a feminine language, how we can define it and to what extent it is the result of gender or gender differences...
Language as a Factor in Access to Education for School-Age Migrants
Prof. Rositsa Penkova, DSc.
Sofia University
Research Prof. Hayan Lee, PhD
Hankuk University of Foreign Languages – Seoul, Korea
Absract. The article discusses access to education in view of the needs of students from migrant families...
The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching Bulgarian as a Foreign Language
Dr. Antonia Radkova, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Faculdade de Letras, Universidade de Lisboa
Lisbon, PortugalА
Absract. The article explores the possibilities of using artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT and Bing, in the practice of teaching Bulgarian as a foreign language...
The Acquisition of the Conclusive in Bulgarian as a Foreign Language
Prof. Krasimira Aleksova, DSc.
Sofia UniversityК
Absract. The present work presents the semantics, forms and significant uses of the conclusive in the modern Bulgarian language...
Prosodic Aspects of the Pronunciation of Ukrainian Students Learning Bulgarian Language as a Foreign Language
Dr. Mirena Patseva, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Elena Runevska, Assist. Prof.
Sofia UniversityМЕ
Absract. The work represents an attempt to take a step in the direction of building a connection between scientific developments in the field of instrumental phonetics and the teaching of Bulgarian as a foreign language...
Linguistic Models of Mass Media Genres` Stylistic Diffusion in the Communicative Space of Ukraine and Bulgaria
Dmytro Dergach
Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Ukraine)
Abstract. Research attention is focused on fundamental changes in techniques and methods of informing , which activate the communicative capabilities of language and give rise to new genres, forms and formats of interpersonal communication in various spheres and discourses. It actualizes the research problem of the diffuse stylistic nature of mass media genres, argued by the processes of assimilation of public communication`s spheres…
Adapted and Translated Texts for the Needs of Learning Bulgarian as a Foreign Language
Dr. Reni Manova, Dr. Katrin Kostova
Sofia University
Absract. When talking about the role of the text in foreign language learning, an important differentiation should be made between an authentic, adapted text for educational purposes, and a completely invented text...
Eighth Forum “Research Approaches in Bulgarian Language Teaching”
Dr. Kristiyana Simeonova, Assoc. Prof.
Institute for Bulgarian Language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Sofia, Bulgaria