The Popular Preachers and Storytellers (Quṣṣāṣ) – The Earliest Historians, Exegetes, and Legal Specialists in Islam
Prof. Pavel Pavlovitch, DSc.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridskiˮ
Abstract. Popular preachers and storytellers (quṣṣāṣ; sg. qāṣṣ) appeared towards the middle of the first/seventh century and quickly became the earliest informal historians and exegetes in Islam…
Attempts at Rapprochement between Bulgaria and Serbia in the Period 1908 – 1909 through the Eyes of Minister Plenipotentiary Andrey Toshev
Dr. Maria Valkova
Sofia University
Abstract. The article aims to trace the rapprochement negotiations between the Bulgarians and the Serbs in the period 1908 – 1909, initiated by the government officials in Belgrade…
Evaluation of the Symbols of Modernization of Bulgaria at the Turn of the XIX and XX Centuries in the Descriptions of Russian Travelers
Dr. Nikita Gusev
Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article provides a discursive analysis of the descriptions of Bulgaria compiled by Russian travelers in the first years after the fall of S. Stambolov and the normalization of relations between the two countries, in semiotic and axiological aspects…
Rose Oil Industry in Bulgaria from the Onset of the Great Depression to the Beginning of the Second World War
Radoslav Petkov, PhD student
History Museum “Iskra” – Kazanlak
University of National and World Economy – Sofia
Abstract. The article aims to make a critical analysis of the changes in the Bulgarian rose production and essential oil industry in the period from the beginning of the Great Depression to the end of the 1930s…
The New Organizational and Management Structure of International Fair AD, Plovdiv for the Period 1997 – 2001
Yordanka Krivoshieva
Plovdiv Regional Historical Museum
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Abstract. The research aims to show the adaptation of “International Fair” JSC, Plovdiv to the changes in the national economy related to the integration of Bulgaria into the European Union…
Monograph on Tsar Ferdinand and the Europeanization of Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aleka Strezova
Institute for Historical Studies -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Europe in Search of Its Path after the Second World War or Impressions of the New Monograph by Assoc. Prof. Boris Stoyanov
Dr. Lubomir Krustev, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
The Bulgarians in Turkey – A New Monograph and Its Contributions
Dr. Kalina Peeva, Assist. Prof.
Institute of Balkan Studies
and Centre of Thracology – BAS
Scientific Conference Factors of Economic Growth in Historical Perspective
Prof. Ivan Roussev, DSc., Corr. Member – BAS
University of Economics – Varna, BAS
Justice, Power and Society – Historical Parallels
Dr. Albena Simova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University