Discrete Mathematics and Programming – Teaching and Learning Approaches
Abstract. Discrete mathematics is one of the most important parts of the introduction to programming. Although known as the basis of writing good software and its usage is necessary, the students have many difficulties while gaining the competency to apply it in software projects. In order to make it a little bit easier for learners, an additional course Discrete Mathematics and Programming was conducted in the Informatics major in the New Bulgarian University. Its objectives, conduction, some exemplary tasks and homework are presented in this paper. The difficulties in the learning process and different approaches to reduce them are discussed.
Keywords: discrete mathematics; programming; algorithm; learning
Mariyana Raykova, Hristina Kostadinova, Stoyan Boev
New Bulgarian University – Sofia (Bulgaria)
Automated Management of Network Infrastructure
Absract. This article discusses network management automation problem. Difficulties encountered while expanding network infrastructure are addressed. An analysis of the path to automation in network management is given.
A process classification for network automation is proposed. A brief survey of the most popular network management tools is presented. A comparison between these and a custom tool contributed by the authors is made. The custom tool is used in “Information Services” Plc for network management.
In conclusion we shared some thoughts about application extension, popularization and integration.
Keywords:network management; network automation; software development for network management
1) Dr. Hristo Hristov, 2) Mr. Angel Ignatov
1) Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
2)“Information Services” Plc - Plovdiv
Converter from Moodle Lessons to Interactive Epub Ebooks
Abstract. This article describes a software, that automatically converts already created Moodle Learning Resources of type “lessons” into interactive e-books, stored in EPUB format. The advantages of EPUB format to present learning content are discussed, as well as existing examples of its use in education. Emphasis is given to creating interactive EPUB lessons that enable tracking learners’ activities and saving their current progress with the help of xAPI statements and stateAPI implementation.
Keywords: EPUB; xAPI; e-learning environment; educational content modelling; educational authoring; Learning Analytics
1)Martin Takev, 1)Elena Somova, 2)Miguel Rodríguez-Artacho
1)University “Paisii Hilendarski” – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
2)UNED University – Madrid (Spain)
Abstract. The present article describes the results of the sub-team of Kazakhstan – a part of an International team of students, created for the realization of the net research project “Encyclopedia of Notable Plane Curves: We Write by Ourselves”. For completing the tasks, students made computer researches by using the software products GeoGebra, Geometer’s Sketchpad and Maple. The coordinate method was applied to the proofs of the corresponding hypothesis. The net interaction between the participants has been carried out in Google Cloud.
Keywords: circle; curve; trajectory; cycloid
Mr. Ayapbergenov Azamat, Ms. Bokaeva Moldir,
Mr. Churymbaev Beknur, Mr. Kaldybek Zhansuygen
Regional Specialized Boarding School for Gifted
Children with In-Depth Study of Various Subjects - Aktau, Kazakhstan
Abstract. The paper presents the results of the work of the Russian sub-team from the city of Arkhangelsk – a part of the international team of students. The team was created in connection with the realization of the net research project “Encyclopedia of Notable Plane Curves: We Write by Ourselves”. The research was made by using the software program GeoGebra. Methods from Analytical Geometry were applied for proving the corresponding hypothesis. The net interaction between the participants was carried out in Google Cloud service.
Keywords: circle; curve; trajectory; cardioidе
Mr. Vorontsov Eugene, Mr. Platonov Nikita
Public Secondary school №8
30, Avenue Obvodni kanal
163 002 Arkhangelsk, Russia
A Generalization of the Fermat Points in the Plane of a Triangle
Absract. It is considered a generalization of the equilateral triangles depending on their circumscribed ellipses. It is obtained a generalization of the Fermat points in the plane of a given triangle as a corollary of the corresponding construction.
Keywords: triangle; ellipse; Fermat points
1)Prof. Sava Grozdev, DSc., 2)Dr. Veselin Nenkov, Assoc. Prof.
1)University of Finance, Business Entrepreneurship – Sofia, Bulgaria
2)“Nikola Vaptsarov” Naval Academy – Varna, Bulgaria
Other Connections between Notable Points in the Quadrilateral
Absract. New geometric connections between different notable points in the quadrilateral are considered in the paper. It is proved that the lines, determined by three pairs of notable points are concurrent. Also, connections between notable points in the quadrilateral, generated by the transformations isogonal conjugate and complement are discussed.
Keywords: quadrilateral; notable point; line; isogonal conjugate; complement
1)Dr. Veselin Nenkov, 2)Mr. Stanislav Stefanov
Researcher ID AAB-5776-2019
“Nikola Vaptsarov” Naval Academy
73, Vasil Drumev St.
Varna, Bulgaria
2) Technical University – Sofia
Bulgarian Olympiad on Financial and Actuarial Mathematics in Russia
Abstract. Improving financial literacy for all segments of the population is a global problem which solving is aim of many international and national projects. It is not possible to find a sufficient solution without drawing attention to mathematical methods for adequate understanding and assessment of financial situation and taking optimal decisions. This is the goal of the Olympiad, established by two Bulgarian universities: the Higher School of Insurance and Finance (VUZF) in Sofia and the Economics University in Varna. Russia participated in the 2018-2019 edition of the Olympiad for the third time. This paper presents the Olympiad task solutions and gives information about the solution difficulties faced by the students. The authors hope that this information will be helpful for Olympiad questions developers and the participants’ coaches.
Keywords: financial literacy; Olympiad; mathematical methods; financial mathematics; actuarial mathematics
1)Dr. Rosen Nikolaev, 2)Prof. Sava Grozdev, 3)Ms. Bogdana Koneva,
3)Prof. Maria Shabanova, 3)Dr. Nina Patronova
1) Varna University of Economics - Bulgaria
2) University of Finance, Business Entrepreneurship
3) Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
Contest Problems of this Issue
Contest Problems
Dr. Veselin Nenkov, Assoc. Prof.
Solutions of the Contest Problems from Issue 1, 2019
Contest Problems
Dr. Veselin Nenkov, Assoc. Prof.