Algorithms for Construction and Enumeration of Closed Knight’s Paths
Prof. DSc. Stoyan Kapralov1), Assoc. Prof. Dr.Valentin Bakoev2), Kaloyan Kapralov3)
1)University of Gabrovo (Bulgaria)
2)“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
3)Sofia (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Two algorithms for constructing all closed knight’s paths of lengths up to 16 are presented…
Constructing the Common Perpendicular of Two Skew Lines
Mitko Kunchev
Ruse, Bulgaria
Absract. The article presents a method for constructing the common perpendicular of two skew lines in a given polyhedron...
Dual form of Obtaining Education in the Mathematics Teachers Training System: Employers‘ Position
Dr. Hab. Roman Vernydub, Assist. Prof. Dr. Oxana Trebenko,
Prof. DSc. Oleksandr Shkolnyi
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University – Kyiv (Ukraine)
Abstract. In the article, we analyze the survey results on employers’ (administrators of schools and vocational colleges) interest, readiness and opportunity for cooperation in training math teachers in a dual form of education…
The Algorithmic Tasks from the State Graduation Examination in the Profiling Subject of Informatics for 2022
Dr. Krasimir Manev
„Mathematics and Informatics“
Absract. In the academic year 2021/2022, the State Matriculation Exam (the examination taken at the end of Secondary education to qualify for entry into University) was held for the first time for the students studying the profiling subject of Informatics in the Bulgarian secondary school...
Research on the Impact of Online Learning on Individual Learning Styles
Dr. Yavor Dechev, Assist. Prof.
Department Computer Systems and Technology
Land Forces Faculty
National Military University „Vassil Levski”
Absract. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a complete lifestyle change. All educational institutions switched to distance training as swiftly as possible...
Game-based Programming Training for Beginners in the Pygame Zero Environment – Sample Assignments with Python Turtle Graphics
Rositsa Georgieva, PhD student
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. In recent years, an increasing digitalization has been observed in all spheres of life on a global scale. The demand for specialists in the field of ICT requires their preparation to start at school with the study of programming and IT...
Web Design Training Approach in High School Stage of Secondary Profiled Education
Dr. Ivelina Velchevа, Assist. Prof., Dr. Hristo Hristov, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The paper examines a learning method in teaching website building technologies to students in a learning environment where a role-playing game from the practice of a software company is simulated...