The Development of Managerial Creativity of Future Heads of Preschool Education in a Higher Educational Institution
Abstract. In the current conditions of development of preschool education in Ukraine, focused on the world and European educational standards, the professional quality of heads of preschool education such as managerial creativity is of great importance, updating of which in management activity will make it possible to make effective, non-standard managerial decisions, ensure the work of preschool educational institutions in the regime of development, not functioning and condition the high quality of preschool education and successful development of every child of preschool age. However, in the practice of local preschool education, there is a shortage of managerial creativity among the heads of preschool education. Therefore, the study of peculiarities of the development of this quality among future heads is the aim of our research that will help to develop and use a system for the development of managerial creativity in the context of university education and independent student activity.
Keywords: heads of preschool education; managerial culture; managerial creativity; educational process; higher educational institution
Tatyana Ponomarenko, Liudmyla Kozak
Kyiv University (Ukraine)
Lyubomira Popova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Conceptual Models for the Development of Online Learning Games in Cultural Heritage Field
Absract. The new strategies for teaching and learning point to the investigation and the deployment of workable learning methods and scenarios for better understanding of the learning content and engage learners in more active participation during the perceiving of knowledge. Good educational results are achieved by storytelling, understanding-by-design, serious educational games, game components, learning-by-authoring, and/or any combinations of them, when the specific learner’s needs and wishes are kept in mind and different digital resources (viz. cultural, historical, encyclopedic, etc.) are contextually used for the target learning purposes. This paper presents some conceptual models for the development of online learning games in the cultural heritage field.
Keywords: serious games; gamification; ancient history and civilization; e-learning methods; cultural heritage
Dr. Detelin Luchev, Dr. Desislava Paneva-Marinova, Prof. Dr. Radoslav Pavlov
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Ms. Gita Senka
Latvia Culture College
Latvian Academy of Culture Riga, Latvia
Dr. Lilia Pavlova
Laboratory of Telematics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Developing Initiative for Children and Youth with Severe Disabilities in Residential Services
Absract. Abstract. This article is aimed at exploring the issues of support for children and young people with severe disabilities in residential services in Bulgaria. A brief analysis of the types of support is proposed, based on the legal framework and the research data. Results from the experimental interaction are presented, including a Program for group work in the services under review. Given the specifics of the target group, the method used to register results is direct observation. The “initiative in activities” and “initiative in communication” indicators are observed. The main conclusions are: increase in the initiative for the group as a whole is observed; reduction of the communication initiative for the majority of participants.
Keywords: children and young people with disabilities; initiative; residential services; alternative communication
Dr. Desislava Popova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
The Management of the Kindergarten – Young Teachers of Children as a Manager Resource
Abstract. The job of a manager dealing with young specialists, kindergarten teachers, seen as a significant part of the management of human resources as well as strategic management, gives the manager challenges which are considered a risk and precaution for the attractive image of the kindergarten. The hereby presented regional study attempts at encompassing the specific and complex management by means of three categories which are essential for it – subjects – directors, young teachers and graduated unemployed teachers. It is using the SWOT-analysis of the results of the survey that the managerial estimate upon the contribution of young specialists to the mission of teachers is seen. The focus group consists of ten directors – managers and realizes the simultaneous method of Brainstorming to generate new ideas to attract qualified young specialists. An interview and work in the focus group have been realized in the course of a survey on the self-assessment of sixteen young teachers concerning their “start” as educators and relating to two problems – recruitment and selection of teachers. An official survey of the Employment Agency and a survey among nine graduated unemployed young teachers of children who have completed their education during the last four years (2011 – 2014) analyze the potential of a “reserve” of pedagogical staff.
Keywords: management; manager estimate; young specialists; kindergarten; recruitment and selection of staff
Slaveyka Zlateva
South-West University “Neofit Rilski” (Bulgaria)
The Inter-Subject Areas and Bulgarian Folklore in Music Education in Primary School
Absract. Musical education has undoubted influence in the process of the overall formation of the personality. The thematic accent in the educational content of music is the Bulgarian musical folklore. The outline and understanding of integrative links with other subjects are necessary to build a productive cognitive process, to preserve and stimulate interest in Bulgarian folklore. The integral approach develops the pupils' potential and motivates them for a deeper study of the subjects.
Keywords: integrative technology; Bulgarian folklore; music education; intersubject links
Dr. Zhana Koleva
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Reading Comprehension – a Problem for the Pedagogical Students
Abstract. The article raises the question of the reading literacy of the pedagogical students, future teachers in the initial stage of the primary-school education. It is a natural continuation of a study on the reading literacy of mature students who have crossed the threshold of the higher school. The skills to read and interpret scientific texts related to the work of the future teacher are discussed. Their skills for tabular presentation of text information, as well as the skills for its interpretation according to the PISA levels are also studied. Correlations are sought at the high levels of understanding related to the analysis and subsequent reflection on a given text.
Keywords: reading comprehension; scholarly text; PISA; pedagogical students
Tanya Borisova
Trakia University (Bulgaria)
Refusal of Education in the Contemporary Society of Knowledge
Absract. The article reveals the reasons why students drop out of the education system. The subject of the study is dropping out of school and the reasons for dropping out of school. A study is carried out with 270 pupils from the main and the secondary educational level of schools in the Stara Zagora Region. As methods of research are used content analysis, questionnaire, statistical methods for processing the received data. The results indicate that a significant part of the reasons for dropping out of school are the educational reasons. Pupils rank the leading positions among these reasons to be the poor classroom discipline, the complex learning content included in school textbooks and the incomprehensible teaching of some teachers.
Keywords: education; dropping out of school; educational reasons for dropping out of school
Dr. Mariya Teneva
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Factors of Primary Teachers' Satisfaction with Professional Work
Absract. The aim of the research is to examine primary teachers’ satisfaction with their professional activity. Subject of study are 232 primary school teachers who teach different school subjects from the 1st to the 4th grade. A modified questionnaire, with 22 items related to the satisfaction with the teaching profession, is applied. The following statistical methods are used: alternative analysis, variance analysis, non-parametric Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis H tests and correlation analysis. The results show that the items with highest values for the primary teachers’ satisfaction are: the duration of holidays, the professional relations with colleagues, the professional relations with the school management, and with parents. The statistical analysis outlines some significant correlations between different factors of the teachers’ satisfaction. The results from the research reveal the main preconditions for improvement of the work conditions and of the social environment of the primary school teachers in the country.
Keywords: primary teachers; satisfaction; profession; factors; interaction
Dr. Veselina Ivanova
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Prof. Eleonora Mileva
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”
Neurosciences in the Training of Students in Special Pedagogy
Absract. The preparation of students in special pedagogy in recent years is oriented towards taking into account the importance of the achievements of neuroscience. The latter contributes to the content of the curriculum. The specificity of special pedagogy as a medical-pedagogical science derives the implicit presence of neurosciences in the study of its object. The results of the surveys’ analysis clearly emphasize that there is an awareness of the application of neuroscience in general. However, the specifics of structuring the presented new knowledge in order to optimally absorb it based on concepts and practical achievements do not cover the real applicability and subject of study of this interdisciplinary science.
Keywords: еducational neuroscience; neuropedagogy; special education; neuroplasticity; neural connections; sensitive periods
Dr. Mitko Shoshev
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
The Practices for Collaboration between Parents and Professionals, Working with Children in the Context of the State Educational Standard for Inclusive Education
Absract. A variety of activities for influencing and support are applied when coping with the problematic behavior of a child or student, and alleviating the difficulties that a student encounters in the educational process. The standard requires that schools and kindergartens form teams to support the personal development of children. Involving the parents or the people who take care of the child when carrying out the activities to support the personal development of the child guarantees the good results of those activities.
The general support of the personal development aims at developing the potential of each child or student in kindergarten or school. In the context of the standard for inclusive education, the author develops and presents a mechanism for practical training for working with parents to the needs of the education of students in pedagogical subjects, and Social Pedagogy in particular. Competencies for teamwork (in cross-institutional teams for general care and support as well as in order to work effectively with colleagues) and networking are formed. Such competencies are required in the future professional realization as pedagogical advisors or social workers.
Keywords: inclusive education; parents; training; general support; the team
Dr. Tzveta Delcheva
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Language Learning in a Nation under Transition
Abstract. This study investigates some features of language learning in countries in transition, focusing on Kosovo and South-East European areas and viewing the process in relation to language learning culture before. Understanding that language teaching is not a task pertaining to a teacher of language and literature, but to the whole school system, and intersubjective thinking began to produce their effects especially from the fall of the Berlin Wall and thereon, in almost all South-East Europe countries in transition. Kosovo was one of the countries affected by a transitional atmosphere in which introduction of different methods and techniques in the classroom were not only being seen as a need, but as a must. The present paper aims to argue that language learning and teaching, especially in countries that are going through a transition process, represents a very important challenge in terms of inputs and outputs of the system of education of today’s society.
Keywords: language; learning; transition; method; Kosovo; teacher; student
Xhavit Beqiri
University of Pristina (Kosovo)
Contemporary Aspects of Civic Education
Neminska, R. (2018). Contemporary Aspects of Civic Education.
Stara Zagora: Trakia University. ISBN 978-954-338-144-9
Julia Doncheva
"Angel Kanchev", University of Ruse (Bulgaria)
Talented Educationalist and a Cultural Figure (110th anniversary of
Boris Desev's Birth)
Absract. This paper presents the life and work of the innovative creator and teacher Boris Desev. His growth and establishment as a cultural figure, educational and library activist are outlined. For the purpose of recognizing his pedagogical talent and high social prestige as an erudite specialist in librarianship, the paper gives testimonies in the form of reviews and public assessments of him by colleagues, students and followers.
Keywords: educator's talent; bibliography; creative personality
Ms. Sеvda Chobanova, Любен Десев
Museum of History – Pirdop, Bulgaria