Typology Of Creative Problems And Their Place In Teaching Mathematics
Dr. Sevdalina Georgieva
University of Shumen
Department for Information, Qualification and Lifelong Learning – Varna
Absract. . One of the main tasks of modern education is to develop the creative abilities of students...
Prevention And Correction Of Deviant And Delinquent Behavior Reflected In Art: Evaluation Of An Algorithm Analysis Reflected In Art: Evaluation Of An Algorithm Analysis
Dr. Daniel Polihronov, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. The problem of the reflection of prevention and correction of deviant and delinquent behaviour in art is not new, but it is contemporary and insufficiently researched in Bulgaria...
Diagnosis Of The Acquired Literature Knowledge In Students In Ivth Grade Through A Test Verification
Dr. Iva Stamenova, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. The present study aims at diagnosing the knowledge of students in literature from IVth grade through training in reading and extracurricular reading. The results obtained in the course of the research aim at ascertaining the students' knowledge regarding previously studied literary works...
Stigma And Social Distances To People With Mental Disorders, Manifested By Graduate Students
Dr. Simeon Sapundzhiev
Sofia University
Absract. The work is dedicated to people with mental disorders, stigmatizing attitudes and social distances, manifested by graduate students. Different aspects of stigmatization and social distance are considered theoretically – fear, refusal to participate in cooperative activities, presence of a negative attitude, adverse treatment, aggression and more...
Vienna Pedagogium Establishment And History
Dr. Dimka Ivanova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The establishment of the Viena Pedagogium was in response to the need of more accessible and better education. With its structure, education plans and focus on practice, the Academy became one of the leading educational institutions not only for Austria but for the whole of Europe...
History of bulgarian education
Assistant Teachers During The Period Of The Bulgarian Enlightening And In Our Time
Assoc. Prof. Yosif Nunev, DSc.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Pleven College of Pedagogy
Absract. The proposed material is a modest attempt to connect the time of the Bulgarian Enlightening and the role of assistant teacher then with our time now and another ambition of the Bulgarian state to implement in the pre-school and school education the auxiliary position of “educational mediator”...
A Study of Parents’ Readiness to Raise Children with Intellectual Disabilities
Dr. Maryana Buinyak, Assist. Prof.
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Myronova
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The readiness of parents to raise children with intellectual disabilities is a set of emotional-motivational, cognitive and activity components, the formation of which ensures an adequate attitude of family members to the child and the choice of optimal methods of its upbringing…
Psychological, Pedagogical and Drganizational Peculiarities of the Development of Students’ Volitional Qualities as a Factor of Success in Learning
Dr. Nadiia Vientseva, Assoc. Prof.
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
Dr. Olena Karapetrova
University named after Alfred Nobel – Dnipro (Ukraine)
Abstract. The article reports the results of the empirical study of the impact of volitional qualities development on the level of academic achievements of higher education institution students…
Teachers’ Perspective On The Educational Implications Of Online Teaching
Dr. Julien-Ferencz Kiss, Prof. Dr. Florica Orțan, Dr. Laurențiu Mândrea
University of Oradea (Romania)
Abstract. The present research explores the perception of teachers in Romania on the implications of the transition to online education. 143 teachers participated in the research, all of them involved in continuing education activities. From the results, we can highlight the fact that as we approach pre-school and primary level in regular education, online teaching is perceived as much more difficult…
Psychological And Pedagogical Rules, Models Of Good Practices And Recommendations In The Work And Education Of Children And Students With Behavioral Disorders
Trichkov, Iv., 2019. Psychological and pedagogical rules, models of good practices and recommendations in the work and education of children and students with behavioral disorders.
Plovdiv: University Publishing House
“Paisii Hilendarski”, ISBN 978-619-202-514-4
Prof. Dora Levterova-Gadjalova, DSc.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
In Memory of Prof. Emilia Rangelova (1940 – 2021)
Prof. Dr. Inna Fedotenko
Tula State Pedagogical University – Tula (Russia)
Проф. д-р Гинка Димитрова – педагог по призвание и професор в Алма матер
проф. д-р Нели Бояджиева
Sofia University