Development Of Cognitive Skills Through Computer Educational Games
Prof. Dr. Todorka Terzieva
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. This article presents the results of a study on the possibilities of computer educational games for the development of various cognitive skills for learners. The advantages they offer in the learning process are highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on the relationship between game-based learning and mental development of learners..
(The) Chaos (It's Time For… Pedagogy)
Prof. Jordan Kolev, DSc.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. The author reflects on the meaning of human life and the possibilities of education regarding the professionalization of a sense of social living...
Study On The Perceptions Of Teachers In Mathematics Related To Their Pedagogical Knowledge
Dr. Ivaylo Staribratov, Assoc. Prof.
Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski
Abstract. The article presents a survey among teachers in mathematics with the idea to evaluate their professional and methodological skills as a factor in the results of national external assessment of 15-year-old students in Bulgarian school…
A Study Of The Attitudes Of Students – Teacher Trainees Towards Education In Music Pedagogical Disciplines In An Electronic Environment
Dr. Penka Marcheva, Assoc. Prof.
ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“ – Педагогически колеж – Плевен
Absract. The purpose of the publication is to present the results of a survey conducted among students of pedagogical disciplines in various universities in Bulgaria, regarding their attitudes to teaching music pedagogy in an electronic environment...
Evaluation of The Quality of Educational and Care Environment in Early Childhood – Challenges and Prospects of Current Practice
Dr. Maria Atanassova-Trifonova, Assoc. Prof.
Institute for Population and Human Studies
Absract. he article offers an analysis of the theoretical assumptions underlying the definition of the content and aspects of the quality of the educational environment, as well as an overview of empirical research in contemporary practice, which are reference for policies for the improvement of the quality of ECEC...
Foster Care Of Children With Special Educational Needs (Opinions Of Social Workers And Students-Pedagogues)
Dr. Vyara Tsvetanova, Assist. Prof.
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria
Absract. The results of a survey conducted among social workers and student pedagogues on the social service “foster family”, awe as foster parents’ problems when caring for children with special educational needs are presented in this paper...
Inclusive Intelligence
Dr. Aleksandar Krastev, Assist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University – Branch Pleven (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Inclusive education happens when all children and students regardless of their specific features, disabilities or gifts are placed under conditions that enhance their personal potential and talents to develop. Successful inclusive education is being achieved mainly when the differences and diversity among children and students are accepted, comprehended and taken into account…
Diagnosing Students’ Digital Skills in The Context of Computer Modelling
Ас. д-р Радослава Топалска
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Absract. The introduction of a new required school subject such as Computer Modelling (hereafter CM) in the primary stage of education, as well as the decision to make primary school teachers responsible for that subject challenge one of the aspects of this change - the preparation of primary school educators to teach this subject...
Education Of Moral Culture Of Student Youth In The Conditions Of Polycultural Spaceю
Dr. Natalia Bondarenko, Assoc. Prof.
Yevhen Rozdymakha
Dr. Lyudmila Oderiy, Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Anatoly Rozdymakha, Assoc. Prof.
Donbas State Pedagogical University – Slovyansk (Ukraine)
Dilyana Arsova, PhD student
St. Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Problems of morality have not lost significance in all times of human existence, but contained different accents in social manifestations. Modern anthropocentric tendencies of social life have also changed value orientations, because material values, human self-presentation in society, the desire for recognition as a manifestation of self-worth, somewhat level the spiritual, moral and ethical, cultural values…
Professional Development In Kosovo – Research Of Training Programs And Tests
Prof. Bekim Samadraxha
University of Prishtina (Republic of Kosovo)
Veton Alihajdari
Ministry of Education and Science (Republic of Kosovo)
Prof. Besim Mustafa
Heimerer College (Republic of Kosovo)
Prof. Ramë Likaj
University of Prishtina (Republic of Kosovo)
Abstract. Vocational Education Teachers are one of the main important assets for workforce development. This study of the workforce of VET teachers in selected partner countries has two main goals. The aim of this research is to evaluate the level of teacher’s development and training programs and test as well, to inform national policymakers about the situation and the needs of the VET teachers and, secondly, to help monitoring the implementation and the change of the teacher professional development…