Prof. Dr. Tatyana Angelova
Sofia University
Absract. The article commemorates the 100th anniversary of the birth of Prof.
Miroslav Yanakiev. The author defends the thesis that the scientist “setˮ a model
of behavior as a linguist – encyclopedist with his own, original position on the issues of linguistics and sciences, related to it, with a truly memorable participation in the development of Bulgarian language teaching and language education in general. His contributions as a scholar are presented, giving him a place as a linguist ahead of his time. First of all, the establishment of the glottometric theory is pointed out, through which he developed Bulgarian linguistics and Bulgarian stylistics in the scientific field. Secondly, the еmphasis is placed on of prof.
Yanakiev‘s ability to identify paths, trends that are only now, in our time, beginning
to be realized, such as the statements about the role of computers in language
teaching. An equally important contribution is the advocacy of the concept of early
language learning and multilingualism in school education. And, undoubtedly,
of greatest interest is Yanakiev‘s talent for transforming linguistics in semiotics.
Keywords: Miroslav Yanakiev; the 100th anniversary of his birth; linguist