Dr. Daniela Zubović, Dr. Dina Kamber Hamzić
Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Hercegovina)
Abstract. Understanding divisibility at the primary school level is a strong predictor of
students’ mathematical achievements in secondary education. To correctly measure students’
understanding and achievements, a valid and reliable test is needed. This research focuses on the
construction of valid and reliable test for the divisibility area studied at the primary school level.
After constructing three pilot tests according to learning outcomes and standards for divisibility,
and qualitative validation, tests were distributed in six primary schools, with 380 participating
students (ages 12 – 13). The results were used for reliability and quantitative item analysis, and
the final version of the test, which covered standards of students’ achievement and had all items
of appropriate difficulty and discriminative validity, was created. This test can be used by
mathematics teachers in classrooms but also in large scale testing, like state or international
Keywords: divisibility; primary school; reliability; test instrument; validity