University Pedagogical Education in Bulgaria at the Beginning of the XXI Century – State, Problem Areas, Perspectives
Absract. An analysis of the development of the professional fields in the area of higher education 1. Pedagogical sciences – 1.1. Theory and management of education, 1.2. Pedagogy and 1,3, Pedagogy of teaching in... is presented in the paper. The main strengths in the development of Bachelor and Master degree programs are outlined as well as the main problematic areas in which the conditions and content of the training of pedagogical specialists for the system of the preschool and school education need to be improved.
Keywords: teacher training; higher education; accreditation
Prof. Siyka Chavdarova-Kostova
Sofia University
Resources for Self-Assessment in the Virtual Mathematics Laboratory
Absract. The paper considers various resources for self-assessment developed and maintained in the Virtual Mathematics Laboratory, including files and specific topics. The self-assessment files are related with one-step problems for direct application of definitions, algorithms, properties or with exploratory type of problems. Several models for constructing specific examples of a given type of problems are presented and discussed. Different modes of manipulation for assigning values to the parameters for constructing a new example are considered: using a scroller, entering a number value, moving an object to change the measures of the elements of a geometric construction, etc. An automatic generation of examples for self-assessment by means of random choice of elements of a set of objects is illustrated. Several models for getting a feedback are considered. The structure of a part of themes for self-assessment is described together with the themes, requiring the use of several technologies. The direct request to the user for grading her performance herself is discussed in the context of the forming of competences for self-evaluation. The resources of past issues of the online contest “VIVA Mathematics with a Computer” are discussed in the context of self-assessment. The educational function of the self-evaluation by means of the help-facility in the dynamic files is emphasized on. The motivating effect being enhanced in the context of fine arts, real situations and serious games, is pointed out. The experience with the use of the digital resources for self-assessment shows so far that the endeavor for: variety, simplicity of operations, creating playful atmosphere when possible, development of digital and mathematical competences, has been crucial and well justified.
Keywords: didactic tool; self-review; self-assessment; serious games; digital competence; STEAM
Prof. Dr. Toni Chehlarova
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Prosocial Behaviour in the School-Based Social Pedagogy
Absract. Our objective is to describe the opportunities for promotion of prosocial behavior as a part of the applied school-based social pedagogy. We discuss the role of social norms, virtual reality in the contemporary context, as well as some fundamentals of the prosocial behavior. On this foundation, we give an example for their integration in the school-based pedagogical work. The project is realized following the framework we suggest for formation of attitudes towards prosocial behavior that can easily be adapted to various environments and groups.
Keywords: social pedagogy; prosocial behavior; school environment
Dr. Margarita Bakracheva
Sofia University
Managing Children's Challenging Behaviour in School and Out-of-School Context
Absract. The current publication is focused on the main characteristics of challenging behavior and the possible social-pedagogical approach that pedagogical staff members can use to manage it. The approach is applicable to both – school and out-of-school context. It describes the main logic of the support of children with emotional and behavioral difficulties and can be applied in various ways. In this current publication the challenging behavior is shown as a whole process that can be managed by the pedagogical staff members through different strategies for prevention, intervention and support.
Keywords: positive approaches; physical intervention; challenging behavior; emotional and behavioral difficulties; behavior management strategies
Dr. Tsvetoslav Nikolov
Sofia University
Professor Dimitar Mishaykov’s Cultural-Educational Views and Educational Policy
Absract. The article contains analysis of Prof. Dimitar Mishaykov’s cultural and educational views, as well as analysis of the major manifestations of his educational policy. Professor Dimitar Mishaykov is one of the distinguished figures in the new Bulgarian history. Having received a solid education in the country and abroad, he established himself as one of the leading university professors and specialists in the field of political economy and statistics. During the 1920s he took part in the government of the country as a member of the parliamentary group of the Democratic Union and as a Minister of Trade, Industry and Labor in the third cabinet of Andrey Lyapchev. In his political activities he stood out as a specialist with his own well-reasoned position. His second participation in the government of the state was as Minister of Education in the second cabinet of Georgi Kyoseivanov. For the short period of heading the Ministry of Education he succeeded to achieve continuity in the policy of that government department, as well as to repeal and correct some decisions of previous governments, thus bringing peace to the public and cultural-educational life of the country. Professor Mishaykov carried out important reforms in education, contributing in its further development. Some of his opinions on culture and education related to youth’s patriotic and civic education are still relevant nowadays.
Keywords: cultural and educational views; education policy; Ministry of Education; state-civic education; patriotic education; reforms in education
Dr. Emil Spasov
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Summary of Modeling skills in Faculty First Class
Absract. The article presents modeling as a type of visual activity, in three main dimensions. According to the First Class Fine Arts curriculum, the student's individual needs and creative development are emphasized through the sensory systems. The expression of ideas and experiences, by means of visual means to the students of the first grade, covers a large part of the educational content in the fine arts. The modeling activity is analyzed. The necessity of practical application of the volume-plastic imaging to the students in the initial stage was established. This is considered to be an important point in the overall development of their visual skills. A system of assignments is given, the applicability of which enables the enrichment of modeling skills in first grade students. Modeling is a process through which the cognitive processes are refined and developed, which leads to the accumulation of sensory experience and allows the creation of vivid sensory images that actively stimulate their visual activity.
Keywords:: modeling; process; skills; creativity
Dr. Elitsa Alexandrova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Practical Orientation the Training of Bulgarian Language in Elementary School
Absract. The text speaks of the relevance and prospects of practical language learning, especially in the initial stage of the primary education. Children's response to the world reflects exactly practical activity, manifested in specific tangible events, laws, vivid imagery, intense emotions, more and more complete logical reasoning. The receptive culture of pupils is being refined when actively seeking multidirectional information, not always achieved through verbal actions, but also with game - cognitive, creative, attractive, artistic, heuristic „experiments”. Empathic involvement of the mediator teacher is expected, who directs, demonstrates, visualizes, expresses the key content cores in the lesson verbally. Cognitive learning interests are mainly developed through linguopragmatics in basic linguistic and communication units. The early mastery of linguistic knowledge and competence sets linguistic facts, phenomena, concepts, categories, terms in specific situations of „live” speech communication. The conclusion is that popular „practical theories” should be more widely used in the modern educational process in Bulgarian language.
Keywords: language learning in primary school; practical orientation of educational process; Bulgarian language; 1st – 4th grade
Dr. Mila Galabova-Marinova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Language Strategies to Decrease Aggressive Behaviour of At-Risk Children Deprived of Parental Care
Abstract. Current study research language impact on aggressive behaviour of at-risk children deprived of parental care. Bulgarian children without parents (n=40) comprehend intervention influenced by four interaction strategies: normal voice and positive language; high tone and positive language; normal tone and negative language, and high tone and negative language. Surveillance has been conducted for data collection accomplished by independent observer in a standardized checklist using the Buss-Durky classification of aggression. Results of current study demonstrate that the use of negative language would increase aggressive expressions of children to a greater extent when the tone is normal while raising the tone would enhance destructive behavior even more among aggressive children and children with emotional disorders.
Keywords: at-risk children; aggression; children deprived of parental care; language; paralinguistic signs; lexical content
Katerina Zlatkova-Doncheva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Using of Electronic Textbooks in the Self-Preparation Classes in the Primary School
Absract. Online textbooks are an innovation in our education system. The aim is to improve the learning content and to offer teachers opportunities to diversify activities in the learning process, both in class and in the self-preparation lessons. The purpose of the article is to present summarized results of a study conducted with primary teachers working in full-time training groups on the use of e-textbooks in self-preparation lessons. An attempt has been made to make a comparative analysis between the results of the present study and the results of a previous one among primary teachers for the application of the software readable and the electronic textbooks during classes.
Keywords: electronic textbooks; self-preparation classes; students
Dr. Diyana Dimitrova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Drama Activities in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the Kindergarten
Absract. he article examines the role of drama as a method of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at the kindergarten which not only makes language learning fun, but also helps solve important educational tasks. The main features of drama activities are presented, as well as the ideas of the theories that underlie the drama method in foreign language teaching. Emphasis is placed on the benefits of drama as an effective method for successful foreign language acquisition by pre-schoolers. The article focuses on the main types of drama activities that appeal to young learners and have proven to be successful as they carry a strong emotional charge and create atmosphere which stimulates the child's imagination, creativity and foreign language skills.
Keywords: drama activities; drama as a method of TEFL at the kindergarten
Ms. Larissa Gruncheva
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Developing Writing Skills by Formulating Mathematical Problems
Abstract. Тhe aim of the paper is to examine one possible method in developing both mathematical and writing skills in mother tongue. The main research questions are: what is the connection of mathematical thinking and language fluency in students’ formulations of mathematical problems, and does this type of demands have a potential of a successful method in developing writing skills. The research results which will be presented are based on testing 134 students of the final year in elementary school from two cities in central Serbia. Standard quantitative and qualitative methodological procedures were used. Main research results show that the students are absolutely aware of the main textual characteristics and genre features of mathematical problems and that they mostly copy the patterns they usually meet with. Also, the research implies that mother tongue fluency and correctness are not seen as important per se, but only as the school knowledge which is also to be evaluated.
Keywords: writing skills; mathematical skills; mathematical problems; grammar, orthography
Ilijana Čutura, Nenad Vulović
University of Kragujevac – Jagodina (Serbia)
Enhancement Quality of Civil and Intercultural Education via Applying Social Partnership in Educational Area
Absract. Social partnership is fairly new way in management of educational institutions. In this way that institutions stay in the center of social and cultural environment and they find various partnerships with another persons, subjects and organizations. The article reveals the ways for applying social partnership for enhancement quality of civil and intercultural education. The author consider and analyze its pedagogic and social dimensions.
Keywords: social partnership; civil and intercultural education; pedagogic and social dimensions
Mr. Delyan Penchev
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo