Еlena Ingilizova
National High School in Finance and Business
1, Rozova dolina St.
1421 Sofia, Bulgaria
E-mail: nfsg.sofia@gmail.com
Absract. The article aims to present an educational game, suitable for the initial
introduction of students into economic theory. The game is related to the curriculum
of the discipline General Economic Theory (macro- and microeconomics). It can be
used to illustrate some of the economic processes, as well as to define a large part of
the studied concepts. It is suitable for students in secondary vocational education,
as well as for all others, who are interested in getting acquainted with the economic
subjects. Described are the objectives, tasks and learning materials, included in the
game. The organization and the manner of its conduct are explained. Some of the
results of its practical implementation are also presented, as well as a comparative
analysis with a particular group of students, where only classical methods of
teaching are used.
Keywords: educational games in economics; introduction to economics; learning
trough games; economic theory
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