Prof. Dr. Vladyslava Liubarets, Prof. Dr. Nataliia Bakhmat,
Prof. Dr. Olena Matviienko, Oksana Tsykhmeistruk, Inna Feltsan
Dragomanov National Pedagogical University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The research is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of forming the professional competence of a would-be teacher assistant of inclusive education through pedagogic modeling. The authors specify the notions of “a tutor” (teacher assistant), “inclusive education”, “persons with special needs”, “individual development program”, and “modeling”. The essence of “pedagogical modeling” is defined, as well as the groups of its objects within the professional competence of the would-be teacher assistants in the inclusive education; the implementation of the psychological-pedagogic modeling of an individual development program for persons with special needs is substantiated. It is proved that any model has a sign nature, thus, the psychological bases of the research are the theory of content-based summarization and the “sign” concept of the educational process. The study reflects the methodological system of forming the professional competence of the would-be teacher assistants of inclusive education through pedagogic modeling and substantiates the content component of the model, implemented in the individual development program of persons with special needs and through applying the relevant methods, forms and means of education. It is proved that the efficiency of forming the professional competence of the teacher assistants of inclusive education by the means of pedagogic modeling depends on introduction of an experimental technique, which provides support and increase of the qualitative indicators of both the teaching and the personal properties of the persons with special needs receiving educational services. Due to the synergetic impact of professional knowledge, the would-be teacher assistants of inclusive education develop an increased motivation to forming the professional skills and competences when working with persons with special needs.
Keywords: teacher assistant; persons with special needs; inclusive education; individual development program; pedagogical modeling; professional competence; inclusion