Prof. Alexander Panov, DSc.
Institute for literature – BAS
Absract. The article analyzes Hristo Botev's poem „Farewell in 1868“, tracking the different genre paradigms to which it can be referred. Adopting the thesis that the typology of lyrical genres is mainly determined by the performative character of lyrical discourse, the author clarifies the discursive characteristics of the poem. It is established that the appellative nature of the „message“, as the poem is in appellative form, is only an artistic convention. The real communicative purpose of the literary text is not appellative, but declarative, and wants to achieve the joining of the perceiving community to the value system and value architectonics of the
world shared by the lyrical hero. This discursive analysis allows to determine the
place of the poem in the typology of lyrical genres.
Keywords: genre; lyric; performative; appellative; declarative