Martina Evgenieva, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. The attitudes are defined as one of the main factors for increasing the students’ achievements in chemistry and choosing a professional realization in this field. The purpose of the study is to outline the main characteristics of the attitudes towards learning chemistry at school, the factors that influence them and the methods and means of their identification in scientific research, based on the analysis of literature review. The results show the complex structure of attitudes and insufficient researches on the influence of the school environment on their
components. The factors that influence changes in attitudes are examined in this
study in three groups - demographic, social and school. Each of them has its own meaning. There is a lack of researches with a specific design of chemistry education
within a given curriculum, which is mainly aimed at a positive change of students'
attitudes. The study showed the use of mostly quantitative research methods in school settings and qualitative research methods for students' opinions.
Keywords: learning attitudes, school chemistry, factors for attitudes, attitudes instruments