Dr. Camellia Hancheva, Assoc. Prof.
Mrs. Vesela Aravena, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. Psychoeducational programs to enhance reflective parental capacity are among the main prevention and intervention strategies for parents of children with behavioural and emotional problems. The objectives of the present systematic literature review are: 1) to identify evidence-based psychoeducational programs for parents of children over three years of age that aim to increase parental capacity for reflection and self-reflection; 2) to describe the characteristics and outcomes of these programs on parameters of parental functioning, parent-child relationships, and
children‘s behaviours. This systematic review follows the protocol for systematic
review (PRISMA-P). In four of the studied programs, there are data on a significant
increase in the ability to reflect, in two of them - on a reduction in parental stress,
and in the others, tendencies are reported. Direct comparison between programs is
impossible due to differences in research design.
Keywords: reflective functioning; mentalization; psychoeducational programs;
parents; parental capacity