Prof. Dr. Natasha Tzanova, Dr. Nadezhda Raycheva, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Isa Hadjiali, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. In historical aspect, the skill is among the key categories in the realm of human practice, which are often an object of different researches – psychological, pedagogical, and last but not least methodological. This is a fact, because the skill is a vital term for the description of productivity of learning experience at least in two dimensions – personally fundamental, guaranteeing its effective functioning in different situations and personally pragmatic, as a multi-level transformation of the cognitive experience, for the completion of certain social roles and the necessary qualities of the subject for this. The skill is a blend between those two dimensions of productivity both in higher education and in secondary school. The reflective skills are a structural and functional part of the transformation of the cognitive, affective, and psycho-motor experience and as such are included in the individual educational reality of the subject, and to a higher degree it defines it. This is the reason why the constructive-prognostic analysis of the reflective skill in the area of Methodology is pointing at the answer of the questions: What is this, what is its structure, how does it get integrated in the system of skills, how does it form and develop. The answers of those questions are basis of its methodological decoding in the process of training teachers and students in Biology. All of this describes the territory of the methodological context of analysing the reflective skill.
Keywords: reflective skill; relationships in the cognitive experience; technology quality