Prof. Dr. Yordanka Angelova,
Dr. Rossen Radonov, Assoc. Prof.
Vasil Kuzmov, Assist. Prof.
Technical University of Sofia
Stela Zhorzh Derelieva-Konstantinova
MS Comp Ltd.
Abstract. The purpose of the report presented by the authors is to present a methodical development of a software product and the sequence of its implementation to create a common information system of career centers in Technical University of Sofia and the partner organizations. In fulfillment of the contract BG05M2OP001-2.016-0008-С02 “Innovations, Science and Education for high quality and compliance with the labor market” at the Technical University of Sofia and Partnership (INNOTECH PRO), the goal is to create a single Digital Career Center (DCC), to create a single network by upgrading and modernizing the electronic platforms used so far by the partner higher schools.
Through career counseling and guidance and the creation of a Digital Career Exchange (DCE) to give students, graduates, alumni and doctoral students more detailed information and opportunities to find the right job position for each.
Keywords: Software product; General information system; Digital Career Center (DCC); Digital Career Exchange (DCE)