Prof. Bogdana Todorova, DSc.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – IPS
Abstract. The aim of the article is to analyze the necessity of re-conceptualizing knowledge (education on Islam) and re-framing the school a place for preventing radicalization, concerning Muslim minority in Bulgaria.
To re-conceptualize knowledge, it is necessary to take advantage of the difference between knowledge and wisdom, used by Eastern philosophy, bearing in mind how data, information, and knowledge are being radically transformed in our times. The process of re-conceptualizing education needs the implementation of the ‘emergent knowledge’ and ‘techno-moral value’. Techno-moral virtue serves as a collective intellect that enables to see what is really good and can assure adequate educational environment for the so called New Young Muslims. Thus, underline the role of the school as a factor of preventing radicalization.
The author concludes with the necessity to develop a ‘sophialogical epistemology’ and world view which has a global fundament in all cultures and religions on the world.
Keywords: education on Islam; re-conceptualization; emergent knowledge; techno-moral virtues; radicalization